Sunday, April 7, 2013

Network Society

he network society is a product of the rapid expansion of information technology which now controls how social political and economic activities are performed through networks previously or recently established. Information, too, has become easy to obtain, with methods of obtaining information have become easier through the use of mobile and wireless technology such as: cell phones. Cell phones. Cell phones are capable of working in rural areas. Therefore one agrees with the statement “Mobile and wireless technology will spread the network society to the most remote places and deepest pores of the world”. (VanDijk, 2006:59).
Network society. By Daniel.

A network society is a collection of networks unified through different nodes. it is by the person, that the structural integrity of the network society is strengthened . Network societies, further, allow for the deconstruction of the space barrier in which, people far apart, geographically – one in Cape Town and the other in Cairo – they can communicate without time or space delaying their flow of information. “In the Network Society, there is increased interaction between individuals, using various media” (Loucks, D. 2010). This media can range from Skype to Facebook as well as twitter. Passed the point of the Individual exists the mass society.

Mass society may be described as a “real virtuality” (Castells, M. 2005:4-20).  In that, the shared information online by various people possessed elements of what goes on in the physical society. Such elements being: symbols or even ideas. If a group of people are hosting an online protest and they use the peace symbol as the object of the protest it would be the use of what they identify with, in reality as well as in real virtuality. However, there are elements such as alienation linked to the mass society and an irrational interest in popular culture over high culture. Thus a network society, through the use of social networks (new media being the main theme) promotes advancements to how the people interact.

Mobile technology is advancing our ability to connect and share information in ways that were not possible even a couple of years ago (Lyon, E. 2010). It is now easy for people to gain information about events as they happen, where ever they are due to the rise of mobile technology. Furthermore, modes of the transportation of information such as the Email is accessible on hand-held devices along with social networks which ultimately means that people can interact on the go and share information almost instantly. The lives of people are not idle it is therefore, more convenient, for them to use mobile technology “most of the world actually prefers using the internet on their mobile devices than seated at a computer” (Souza, J. 2012).

The establishment of networks paved the way for a network society and mobile technology simplified the access to internet and people through more flexible means of communication such as microelectronics. These micro electronics are not bound by geography, therefore it is not the question on how wireless technology will spread into the remote areas of the world, and rather it is when. Because networks themselves still need to be established in these remote areas. Already, rural areas can communicate via cell phones and telephones. Soon, the internet will find its way to rural areas.

The advent of networks and mobile technology increase the reach of network societies throughout the globe. It is by this logic that one concludes; “Mobile and wireless technology will spread the network society to the most remote places and deepest pores of the world”. (Van Dijk, 2006:59).


Castells, M and Cardoso, G. 2005. The Network Society, from Knowledge to Policy. [Accessed 28 March 2013]

 Loucks, D. 2010. The Network Society: I could be connected to the President! (or an Eskimo!). [Accessed 28 March 2013]

Lyon, E. 2010.  Mobile Tech’s Influence in a Network Society. [Accessed 28 March 2013]

Souza, J. 2013 The Impact of Mobile Technology on Social Media Platforms: What’s Coming? [Accessed 28 March 2013]

UNDP. 2011. Mobile Technologies and Empowerment: Enhancing human development through participation and innovation. [Accessed 28 March 2013]

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